Broadjam Top 10 Lists are calculated according to several factors:
Star Ratings - The Broadjam song player contains a 5-star rating system. Each song’s ratings are calculated and contribute to the Broadjam Top 10 Lists
Peer Reviews - The average score a song has received in the Broadjam peer review process, along with ratings from Contests and Music Licensing Opportunities Review songs now
Downloads - The number of paid and free downloads a song has received
Showdown - Each song’s average rating from Broadjam Showdown is calculated and contributes to the Broadjam Top 10 Lists
Playlists - The number of listener playlists that a song is included in
Song Plays - The number of plays a song has received
Thumbs Up/Down - Broadjam members can rate songs in each Top 10 List thumbs up or down (there is a maximum of three thumbs down ratings for each Top 10, per member and day)
Music Licensing Opportunity Selections - If a song is selected for a Broadjam Music Licensing Opportunity, it increases that song’s likelihood of appearing in a Top 10 List
Broadjam Contest Winners - If a song wins a Broadjam Contest, it increases that song’s likelihood of appearing in a Top 10 List
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